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Joey Palm Care

Johannesteijsmannia Altifrons

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What is the plant

Johannesteijsmannia altifrons occurs in Southeast Asia, Malaysia (Common and locally abundant in Taman Negara National Park, East Johor, and very local the Bake National Park in West Sarawak), Indonesia (Langkat Nature Reserve, Sumatra), Thailand and Borneo.Habitat & Ecology: It is found scattered or as pure stands in the undergrowth in humid primary rain-forest on ridge-tops and hillsides on well-drained soils, mostly above 300-500 m. It is never found in secondary regrowth forests, and it rarely survives any clear-felling of trees, but often sustains considerable damage from falling trees and scorching when exposed to direct sunlight.

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Part Sun

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

10b - 11




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    This plant does not tolerate drought and seems to need its roots wet all the time or it does not look good. However it is very easy to overwater it so make sure to provide good drainage. It benefits from regular watering, especially during the dry seasons and should be watered before the soil completely dries, but don't let sit in water. The result of overwatering is stunted growth, a yellowing of the leaves, and ultimately, death. Indoor, potted Johannesteijsmannia altifrons should not be over-watered. They may contract the fungus Phytophthora, if over-watered. The better the quality of water applied the better your plants will grow in the long run, particularly plants grown in containers. Plants held indoors benefit by being taken outside when it is raining or being placed under a sprinkler for a period of time.

  • Pruning


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    Remove dried fronds.

  • Fertilizer


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    Need a perfect low-release fertilizer (e.g., 18-18-18) diet including all micro nutrients and trace elements twice a year during growing season. It is subject to magnesium and potassium deficiency. Good quality fertilizer can accelerate the growth.

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  • Sunlight


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    This species cannot tolerate full sun, particularly in arid climates. Outside they grow best in half-shade to shade. Young specimens need protection from direct sunlight and grow best in shady locations so for best results a shaded spot under trees or a pergola is ideal. If home-grown, they look their best in bright diffuse light.

  • Soil


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    It is adaptable to soil types although neutral to slightly acid soils with good drainage and organic matter is recommended for best results. Avoid soils that are constantly soggy.

  • Temperature


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    It grow well in tropical and subtropical climates, however it tolerates temperatures as low as -4° C (USDA Zones 9b to 11) and it is quite cold hardy, particularly when grown under shelter, but for safe cultivation normal temperatures should not go below 5°.

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  • Additional


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    The foliage is an excellent thatch for huts and shelters, and a single leaf makes a good umbrella; the young endosperm is said to be edible.

  • Popularity


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    2 people already have this plant 5 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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