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Philodendron Subhastatum Care

Philodendron Subhastatum

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Philodendron Subhastatum 0
Philodendron Subhastatum 1
What is the plant

Philodendron Subhastatum is a rare tropical climber from the Araceae plant family. It is grown particularly for its bi-color foliage. Because of its simple care requirements, this plant species is generally very suitable to grow indoors. It is easy to maintain, propagate, and display around the house. Philodendron Subhastatum has green, glossy foliage that changes as the plant grows old. Juvenile Subhastatum has leaves that are red from underneath. This color becomes more prominent as the plant matures.

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Part Sun



18°C - 24°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

min 10b






Cold Period




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Philodendron Subhastatum is a water0loving plant so you can water it as frequently as it needs. Just make sure that the soil is damp or dry up to 2 inches on top. You can use your finger to check the texture of the soil or use a moisture meter for accuracy. Overwatering a wet, water-logged soil will quickly kill your plant.

  • Pruning


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    If needed, you can prune these plants. Just make sure that you use clean, sanitized equipment so that you do not transfer any germs or infections. Also, be careful to not cut off too much as that can stunt their overall growth. Keep your plants clean, dry, and dust-free. This will not only make your plant look neater and healthier, but it will also stimulate healthier new growth.

  • Fertilizer


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    You can fertilize your plants every week, according to its individual needs. You don’t want to over-feed the plant because that can damage its roots. Feeding frequency can be decreased during winters as the plant is in its “resting phase” so it does not need any food. In these months, fertilizing once a month is enough. However, remember to not use cheap fertilizers for this purpose. Salts in low-quality plant food can kill the poor creature in the long run.

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  • Sunlight


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    Preferably keep these plants away from direct sunlight. Being exposed directly to the sun can burn their leaves. Natural, filtered lights are particularly best to grow these Philodendrons. If you do not have access to natural sunlight you can always use artificial growing lights. And, if you must put the plant directly under the sun, make sure that you put it behind sheer curtains or a shade cloth that mellows the light hitting the leaves. Also, make sure that all parts of the plant are getting an equal amount of light so that it grows in equal symmetry. If your light is coming from one direction only, you can keep rotating the plant to expose all parts of it equally.

  • Soil


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    When it comes to the soil needs, a well-draining, rich organic soil is ideal for a Philodendron Subhastatum plant. It should be a mixture of loam, sand, and peat, all in equal portions. You can also use compost as a soil amendment. A soil with slightly acidic to slightly alkaline pH (5-8) is preferred. Make sure that the soil is well-drained and does not hold water.

  • Temperature


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    The optimum temperature range to grow these plants is 10 to 30 degrees Celsius. This means that your Philodendron Subhastatum will grow perfectly in a regular indoor environment. However, protect the plant from extreme temperatures such as below 15 degrees Celsius and higher than 35 degrees Celsius.

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  • Additional


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    Philodendron Subhastatum contains calcium oxalate crystals. This is a very toxic substance for humans and animals and, if ingested, can cause mild to severe physical symptoms ranging from a stomach ache to swollen mouth and tongue and even being unable to breathe. Even handling these plants can give you skin irritation and allergies. Hence, keep them away from your plants and children. If accidentally ingested, seek immediate medical attention.

  • Popularity


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    67 people already have this plant 13 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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