Native to Japan, the umbrella pine (Sciadopitys verticillata) is one of the oldest trees on earth. Fossil records indicate this species dates back literally millions of years. Scientists now believe that much of the fossil-rich Baltic amber was produced by members of the same family as the umbrella pine. This species is the only remaining member of its family and genus.In Japan, this tree is referred to as Koya-maki and is considered a sacred tree. Some believe that stroking its whorls will aid in conceiving healthy children. Because of its waterproof qualities and resistance to rot, the wood and bark of this tree have been used for making boats in Japan.
Umbrella-pine Care
Sciadopitys Verticillata

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How to Care for the Plant
Water weekly in a drought, especially in early years.
The slow growth of this tree keeps pruning demands to a minimum. However, if a narrow shape is desired, multiple trunks should be removed in the sapling, to force the growth of a single trunk or central leader.
Annual spring scattering of Holly-tone or similar acidifying, granular organic fertilizer is helpful.
This tree thrives in full sun
Does best in rich, moist, acidic soil.
in an area that is also protected from cold winds in the winter. It does not tolerate air pollution well, and should not be planted where it will be exposed to poor air quality.
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