Easily recognizable for its heart-shaped leaves, Sweetheart Hoya is a popular choice for many gardeners. This plant will grow well indoors and is easy to care for and hardy.
Sweetheart Hoya Care
Hoya kerrii

This tropical plant is found in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Java, and Laos. The Sweetheart Hoya is a climbing plant that will grow long, bare tendrils that eventually sprout the wax-like leaves it is famous for.
These vines can grow upwards of 13 feet, so be prepared to offer your Sweetheart Hoya plenty of room to grow. They will bloom well both out and indoors with beautiful white flowers with red clusters that look like tiny stars. Closely related to the milkweed, this Hoya produces a wax-like substance when cut or broken.
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How to Care for the Plant
Sweetheart Hoya requires watering once a week and less during the winter. Always be sure to keep this soil moist but never soggy.
Pruning is only necessary to propagate, reshape the plant, or remove yellow or dying leaves.
This plant does not require fertilizer.
The Sweetheart Hoya will require indirect sunlight. It can only handle direct sunlight for 2-4 hours at most, so be sure to watch your plant if it is in a sunny room.
It is recommended to use succulent potting soil that is thicker and will allow water drainage.
Patience is required with this plant. They can take years to grow their heart-shaped leaves! Once they do, though, only cut stem clippings for propagation. The stem will have the nodes required for new growth.
This plant will need to be at 65-80°F (18°C - 26°C) as a tropical plant. This plant is not suited for cold weather and will die if left under 30°F (-1°C).
A four to five-inch (10-12 cm.)pot will be the best choice for this plant.
Fun fact
The Sweetheart Hoya is one of the most popular Valentine’s Day gifts due to its heart-shaped leaves, and it is often given as a single plant in a pot.
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