The Mexican fan palm or botanically Washingtonia Robusta [Washing-ton-ee-a, roh-BUS-tuh] is a flowering species from the Arecaceae or the palm family. Contrary to what the plant’s scientific name suggests, the palm species are not native to Washington or the United States.
Mexican Fan Palm Care
Washingtonia Robusta

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How to Care for the Plant
You can water your palm two ways: one way, is to take all 20 gallons of water and dump it around your palm tree in 2 minutes. the water will simply runoff and the roots will not get enough since it takes time for the soil to absorb water. another way, to water your palm tree is to slow drip 20 gallons of water over the course of 1 - 2 hours.
Never remove more than a third of the foliage in any one year and to cut just above a node on the stem.
Use slow-release fertilizer for container plants. Avoid using too much fertilizer.
Indoors, keep your plant in an area having plenty of bright filtered light.
They need well-drained, moisture-retentive soil, so add lots of organic matter when planting. In heavy clay soils, plant the bulbs on a layer of coarse sand or gravel to improve drainage.
Pretty much happy in any room, whether cool or warm, but if the room is warm, this will dry out the plant more quickly and it will need watering more regularly. They are not quite frost hardy, so bring them inside if you have had them on the patio during the summer.
Pot should provide ample drainage and room for growth.
Palms clean and improve air quality by filtering formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide toxins from the surrounding environment.
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