Selaginella is an attractive, interesting plant to grow. For the best results, keep the soil moist but not overly wet, maintain high humidity around the plant, and don’t expose it to temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Spike Moss Care

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How to Care for the Plant
the soil moist but never soggy and avoid using cold water. A Selaginella plant becomes totally dormant and the leaves roll into tight little brown balls when there is no moisture. Once the Selaginella is watered, it turns green and starts to grow again.
Pinch back the tips of the stems of a Selaginella plant if they grow too tall or leggy. Pruning a Selaginella stimulates new growth and helps the plant become bushier. Remove dead or damaged stems as soon as they appear.
Selaginella plant needs very little plant food. Feed twice a year, once in April and once in July, with a water soluble fertilizer diluted to ½ the recommended strength. Do not fertilize newly potted Selaginella plants for at least two months.
Light requirements depend upon the variety of Selaginella. bright indirect light indoors, partial shade outdoors is usually a good idea for most Selaginella varieties.
Use a peat moss based soil that retains water but still drains well for a Selaginella.
temperature 50°-75°F (10°-24°C ). Some types of Selaginella plants can handle temperatures as low as 40°F (4.4°C)
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