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Lemon Verbena Care

Aloysia Citriodora

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What is the plant

This is another genus whose name has been changed over the years. Older staff members on the nursery still call it Lippia citriodora or Aloysia triphylla.A. citriodora comes from Chile and is a bushy upright deciduous shrub which might grow to 6ft or so in the very mildest parts of the country. It grows best in poor but well drained soils in full sun. In colder parts of the country it is best grown in shelter up against a warm wall which it can be trained up.A. citriodora is grown for its lemon scented foliage rather than its flowers although these can be attractive in late August when long 5in panicles of tiny white or pale lilac flowers emerge. The foliage can be used for culinary purposes or the dried leaves used in potpourri. When dried the leaf scent becomes more intense. Leaves should be picked after flowering for this purpose.

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Full Sun

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

min 8a




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Verbena favors watering from the base so the water (and fertilizer) is directly fed to the plant roots and kept away from the foliage. feed the roots and let them take care of the plants. regularly check the soils moisture. the top 1" of the soil should be moist - not soaking. water from the base to avoid soaking the plant's foliage.

  • Pruning


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    Make judicious cuts to encourage new growth. Cut just before a leaf node. Or when cutting back larger stems, cut as close to the main stem as possible.

  • Fertilizer


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    Use a fertilizer formulated specifically for your plant. Avoid over-fertilizing and follow the instruction on the label.

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  • Sunlight


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    Full sun to partial shade.

  • Soil


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    Requires a well-drained, loose mixture of potting soil.

  • Container


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    Ceramic pots are the most popular type of containers for houseplants today. You'll find them in all kinds of styles, colors, and sizes. At one time, the clay pot was the most common container for indoor plants. When choosing a pot, choose a pot that is 2.5-5 cm (1-2”) larger than the current size.

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  • Additional


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    The essential oil from the plant might sensitise the skin to sunlight. Large doses of the tea can cause gastric irritation

  • Popularity


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    2,787 people already have this plant 536 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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