Senna obtusifolia, commonly known as sicklepod, is an often short-lived, upright to sometimes sprawling, herbaceous perennial of the pea/bean family that typically grows to 2 1/2’ tall, featuring compound-pinnate light green leaves and yellow flowers. It has a variable growth habit, occasionally appearing in some areas as a sub-shrub rising to as much as 5’ tall or as an annual. In North America, it is typically found growing on wooded slopes and ravines in the Southeastern and Midwestern U.S., but has naturalized into a variety of other areas as a weed of disturbed soils. The USDA currently defines its native U.S. territory as extending from New York to Nebraska south to Texas and Florida. It has been introduced into California and Hawaii with subsequent naturalization occurring. It is now classified as a noxious weed in the State of California. Notwithstanding its presence in North America, it also grows in the wild in Central America, South America, Asia, Africa and Oceania.
Chinese Senna Care
Senna Obtusifolia

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How to Care for the Plant
Sicklepods are also drought tolerant and disease resistant.
a position in full sun
Prefers a deep, well-drained, moderately fertile sandy loam
In addition to sicklepod being invasive, it is also known to be toxic to livestock. It affects their liver, kidney and muscle functions. In addition, straw and hay that has been gathered from pastures that contain sicklepod cannot be used for livestock, since it will be contaminated with the crotalaria toxins in the plant.Cattle and swine, as well as chickens and horses, are most commonly affected by sicklepod’s toxicity, but dogs and cats can be affected to a lesser degree.
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