Aphanes arvensis is a small, annual plant, usually much-branched from the base, with erect or sprawling stems 2 - 20cm lon. Parsley Piert has a long history of medicinal use, particularly as a diuretic and to rid the body of stones in the kidney or bladder. The plant is still often used in modern herbalism, being mainly harvested from the wild and sometimes traded.
Field Parsley Piert Care
Aphanes Arvensis

Alchemilla arvensis is commonly used for the removal of kidney and urinary stones and gravel. It has a potent diuretic action as well as a soothing demulcent on the urinary tract and is of benefit in all cases of painful urination. It may be used where there is water retention, especially where this is due to kidney or liver problems.
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How to Care for the Plant
Give the soil a really good soak and then wait until the soil is only somewhat moist to a fingers depth before watering again.
Trim off any dead leaves and stems.
Use slow-release fertilizer. Avoid using too much fertilizer.
The East window is often considered the best window for houseplants as its cooler than the west window without the dangers of overheating. West windows received full sun for part of the day and bright light for the rest, great for flowering plants.
Loose, light, humus soil is ideal for this plant.
Increase pot size by 2.5-5 cm (1 to 2 inches) in diameter for plants that are growing in pots 25.4 cm (10 inches) in diameter or less. For larger plants, those growing in pots greater than 10 inches in diameter, increase the pot size by 5 or 7.62 cm (2 or 3 inches) in diameter.
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