Crassula can be succulent annuals, perennials, evergreen shrubs or sub-shrubs, with fleshy leaves and small, star-shaped or funnel-shaped flowers in a terminal cluster. C. pyramidalis is an evergreen succulent perennial to 15cm in height, with erect stems hidden by the closely 4-ranked, ovate leaves to 10mm in length. Flowers creamy-white, 1cm across, in dense terminal clusters
Pagoda Mini Jade Care
Crassula Pyramidalis

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How to Care for the Plant
Easy to grow needs moderate water – not too wet nor too dry from autumn to spring with regular water in summer (careful watering required in winter), fairly drought tolerant elsewhere.
After growing for several years tend to become untidy, and should be cut very short or restarted from cuttings.
Cannot take direct sun in summer but generally needs sun part of the day to bloom. In deep shade it gets pretty weak and leggy and eventually rots and dies. Crassulas are sensitive to mealybugs.
Plants grow well in a well-drained mineral soil.
Protect against frost.
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