Spanish conquistadors brought Goeppertia ornata majestica to Europe from their crusades. Calathea gained popularity due to its incredibly beautifully-patterned oval leaves, reminiscent of the plumage of outlandish birds in color, as they are yellowish-green above with silvery and pink lines, with the purple underside of the leaf. However, only experienced plant growers can care for Calathea because it is incredibly capricious and requires a lot of attention.
Pin Stripe Calathea Care
Calathea ornata lineata
Other names: Calathea Beauty Star, Pinstripe Plant, Goeppertia Ornata, Calathea Sanderiana

Pin Stripe Calathea (G. ornata majestica, also Calathea ornata) originates in South America, in the rainforests of Colombia. Calathea plant represents the most numerous genus of the Marantaceae family. Its name comes from the ancient Greek word meaning “basket,” and baskets were indeed woven from the leaves of Calathea. Today, Calathea’s variegated foliage fascinates both amateurs and professionals.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water your Pin Stripe during the growing season should be plentiful as well as moderate in winter.
Сut the faded flowers, leaving 2 in (5 cm), and completely remove when they dry.
Fertilizing should be carried out from April to August twice a month with complex fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants.
Modest partial shade is preferable due to the intolerance of direct light.
Soil for Calathea should be slightly acidic, breathable, and loose, so buy it in a specialized store. But if you want to make a soil mixture yourself, mix one part of humus, peat, and leafy soil with half a part of calcined river sand.
Pin Stripe plants can be propagated during spring transplantation by dividing the bush or cuttings. Occasionally, planters may also propagate the plant by growing from seeds; however, this method is the most difficult.
The most suitable temperature for growing this plant is the usual temperature for residential premises, but not lower than 60-64 °F (16-18 °C).
The pot needs to be small and wide rather than deep.
Fun fact
Some people believe that a healthy and well-groomed Calathea not only decorates a home but also neutralizes aggressive energy and brings harmony. It is also noticeable that in the evenings, the leaves of the plant rise and fold, and in the morning, the leaves lower down and open up.
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