Clematis terniflora is a plant in the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae. It is native to northeastern Asia. It was introduced into the United States in the late 1800s as an ornamental garden plant, and has naturalized in many of the eastern states.
Sweet autumn clematis Care
Clematis terniflora

Clematis terniflora, commonly called sweet autumn clematis is a fragrant fall-bloomer. It is a vigorous, deciduous, twining vine with an extremely rampant growth habit. If given support, it will climb rapidly with the aid of tendrilous leaf petioles to 20-25' in length. Without support, it will sprawl along the ground as a dense, tangled ground cover (to 6-12" tall and 10' wide) which typically chokes out most weeds. Features aromatic, 1" diameter, cruciform, pure white flowers (each with 4 narrow petal-like sepals) in terminal panicles from late August to October in a profuse bloom which typically covers the foliage. Flowers give way to attractive, plume-like seed heads. Compound, leathery-textured, shiny green leaves (3-5 oval to elliptic leaflets with cordate bases). Sweet autumn clematis can aggressively self-seed in the landscape.
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How to Care for the Plant
When watering do not wet just the soil surface. These deep-rooted plants require deep watering. Water slowly and thoroughly about once a week – more often during hot, dry weather.
Fertilize generously with low nitrogen (e.g., 5-10-10) fertilizers in the springtime after the buds have emerged. Wait until they are about 2″ inches long and then begin fertilizing. Your next feeding should be about a month later. This time use a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10. From then on, fertilize monthly, and alternate between low nitrogen and balanced fertilizers. Continue through the end of the growing season.
Plant these vines in full sun for best flowering. But they are also vines that will tolerate shade, as long as you are willing to put up with reduced flowering.
The plant is not fussy about soil, as long as it is well-drained.
This plant can be grown in the areas with the lowest winter temperatures between -20°F and -10°F or -28.9°C and -23.3°C.
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