A very rare species of the Asparagaceae family, Dracaena goldieana will brighten up your home or garden with its unique ornamental leaves. If you see it once, you won’t confuse it with any other Dracaenas.
Queen of Dracaenas Care
Dracaena goldieana

This creature with zebra-like foliage is native to the lush landscapes of West Africa. It will have a modest growth of 3-6 feet (1-2 m) when grown at home. While members of the Dracaena family are known for their unpretentious care and can tolerate some periods of drought between waterings, Dracaena goldieana is somewhat more selective in its preferences. Still, if you provide the perfect environment, the plant will honor you with beautiful new leaves, which are red underside.
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How to Care for the Plant
Don’t allow your Queen of Dranacaenas to dry out between waterings. Feel the soil with your finger and give it a drink when the topsoil is ⅓ dry. Consider using distilled water so any chemicals in tap water won’t cause the tips to turn brown.
Pruning is not necessary. Only the old yellow foliage can be cut.
Feeding with a half-dose fertilizer should be done once a month during the growing season. The best choice is a slow-release fertilizer.
Queen of Dracaenas prefers indirect light and will suffer if it receives direct sun rays.
Dracaena goldieana is quite picky and does well only in moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil.
Select a stem up to 6 inches (15cm) long with a few attached leaves and cut it off using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. If there are leaves on the underside of the stem, remove them.
At least two nodes must be present on the cut stem for your plant to take root. Place the cutting in a glass vase or bowl and fill it with water so that it covers the nodes. Once the roots appear, leave the plant in water until the roots have grown at least an inch (3 cm), and then plant the Dracaena in the soil.
In the growing period, Dracaena goldieana prefers warm temperatures, from 65 to 80ËšF (18-28ËšC). Do not expose the plant to temperatures below during the cold season.
Use a container with a diameter 1 inch (3 cm) larger than the root ball. Be sure to have bottom holes to avoid overwatering.
Fun fact
The plant may be called Zebra Striped Dragon Tree because of the specific marble pattern of its foliage.
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