Step into the world of mesmerizing Mexican Cigar Plant, an evergreen shrub that non-verbally conveys its name origin. With its long blooming period, this plant would add a touch of exotic elegance and vibrant charm to any landscape.
Commonly known as Large Firecracker Plant and Mexican Cigar Plant, Cuphea Vermillionaire is an evergreen member of the Lythraceae family. Being a cultivar of Cuphea ignea plant, this shrub typically grows to a height of 18-28 in (45-70 cm) and reaches 12-24 in (30-60 cm) in width. The stems are covered with smooth, narrow, dark green, lens-shaped foliage. The blooms are fiery red in color and stand out against the backdrop of green foliage, attracting the attention of pollinators. Mexican Cigar Plant’s flowers are tubular in shape, resembling miniature cigars. Each flower has 3 longer and 8 shorter stamens. Being long-blooming, this shrub flourishes from spring to fall.