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Red Mambo Care

Alocasia azlanii

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What is the plant

Not being a common houseplant due to its recent introduction, the marvelous Red Mambo can definitely captivate anyone with its exotic appearance! Another reason for its rarity is that it prefers partial shade, but at the same time, the air humidity must be constantly high so that it can be an excellent choice for skilled gardeners.

The scientific name of the red mambo, Alocasia azlanii, is a flowering plant in the Araceae family that was first described in 2016. The foliage that can be used to identify the species has peculiar patterns ranging from purple to red, both on and along the veins, creating a strong association with its native Borneo tropics.

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18°C - 24°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

7 - 11



Cold Period

How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Alocasia should be watered sparingly. Observing a certain interval between waterings does not allow the substrate to dry out.

  • Pruning


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    Dry, damaged, or yellowed leaves should be pruned only when necessary to maintain the general health and hygiene of the plant. This may include removing old leaves that have fallen naturally or diseased leaves to prevent the spread of disease.

  • Fertilizer


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    Feed your greenie during the period of active vegetation with a mild (half-dose) solution of fertilizers for decorative leafy plants. After transplanting, it is necessary to take a break from fertilizing for about a month. Also, the fall of foliage, with slow growth and small size, may indicate the weakening of the plant and signal the need for additional feeding.

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  • Sunlight


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    This Alocasia variety constantly needs soft lighting, such as southern windows in winter and northern windows in summer. Always remember that direct sunlight can harm any species of Alocasia. The perfect conditions would be in an orangery.

  • Soil


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    A loose soil mixture is the most suitable substrate for Alocasia azlanii. The plant will benefit if you add some river sand, coconut chips, bark, sphagnum, or coconut chips for soil aeration improvement. You can also add a substrate for orchids.

  • Propagation


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    Alocasia azlanii can be propagated by rhizomes with tubers, cuttings, and seeds, but the last method is not recommended due to its complexity and low success rate.

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  • Temperature


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    Red Mambo is a delicate species that reacts negatively to fluctuations in temperature. In order to ensure its proper care and well-being, it's crucial to maintain a stable environment. The ideal air temperature for Red Mambo should not fall below 68°F (20°C). During summer months, temperatures the comfortable range can be a maximum of 77-81°F (25-27°C), however, it's important to note that extreme heat should be avoided.

  • Container


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    When selecting a pot, choose one that is appropriately sized, not too small or too large, to allow the plant to grow properly. Fill one-third of the pot with drainage material, such as expanded clay, to help regulate soil moisture and prevent root rot.

  • Fun fact

    Fun fact

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    Appearances can be deceiving! Although Red Mambo's glowing appearance is attractive, it also harbors poison, so it is best to handle it with protected hands and carefully wash your skin afterwards.

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  • Popularity


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    91 people already have this plant 32 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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