English Ivy (Hedera Helix) 'Mini Adam' makes a great ornamental Ivy with its slightly elongated variegated leaves. Looks great in a hanging basket. As the name suggests, this is a miniature version of English Ivy 'Adam's Choice'.
Mini Adam Ivy Care
Hedera helix 'Adam'

Hedera - Ivy - is an evergreen climbing or ground-creeping woody plant. When creeping, it rarely exceed 20 cm height, but when climbing on suitable surfaces,using specialized hairs that enable it to cling, it can climb to at least 30m above the ground. The leaves of ivy are shiny, dark green (pale green when young) with 3 - 5 lobes.Mature plants produce yellow-green flower-clusters, followed by black berries. All parts of the plant are toxic, and contact with the sap may irritate skin, or cause an allergic reaction.There are many cultivars. 'Adam' ivy makes a lovely houseplant with small, mid-green leaves variegated with white and silver.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water every 5 to 7 days depending on light and temperature. Keep soil evenly moist, but not soggy wet.
Make judicious cuts to encourage new growth. Cut just before a leaf node. Or when cutting back larger stems, cut as close to the main stem as possible.
give it a balanced fertilizer
If your plant is not getting enough light, the most common sign is the yellowing and dropping of leaves, stunted leaf growth, elongated stems, and a dull-green color. If your plant is getting too much light, then its leaves will have singed tips, burned patches, or will be falling off (yikes!).
The plant prefers to be at cooler temperatures, like in the 60s (F)
Choose a pot that is 2.5-5.08 cm (1-2”) larger than the current size.
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