Aesculus hippocastanum is a species of flowering plant in the soapberry and lychee family Sapindaceae. It is a large deciduous tree, known as horse-chestnut or conker tree. It is cultivated in streets and parks throughout the temperate world.
The horse chestnut can grow up to 25 meters (85 ft) high. It has a broad and spreading crown with a low crown base. The buds of the chestnut are large, ovate pointed, green-brown and often sticky. Underneath the buds there are noticeably large leaf scars. The bark of the trunk is first smooth and later slightly cracked. The color of the tree bark is brown to gray-green. The chestnut leaf is fingered, often with seven (5-7) cut leaves. The leaf is up to 20 cm (8 inch) long. The leaf color looks dull, the leaf margins are double sawn. The of the chestnut are erected like a flower (flower candle) The inflorescences are 20 - 30 cm (8-12 inch) high. The flower color is white to yellow-red. The chestnut flowers in May.