Gloxinia is a genus of three species of tropical rhizomatous herbs in the flowering plant family Gesneriaceae. The plant has a variety of hybrids including Gloxinia sonata.
Gloxinia sonata Care
Gloxinia sonata

A few years ago, a gloxinia flowering houseplant was considered a perennial;the plants would bloom and then die back. After a period of dormancy, the plant would regrow, delighting its owner with a fresh flush of big, velvety flowers. Today’s gloxinias are hybrids bred to quickly produce a large number of blossoms. These gloxinias produce an outstanding display for about two months, but once the flowers fade, the plant rarely comes back because it invests all its energy into flowers rather than sturdy roots. Therefore, these plants are best grown as annuals, and since they are discarded after the bloom cycle, gloxinia flower care focuses on keeping the plant looking fresh while it is in bloom. These plants are available in a rich range of colors - red, burgundy, pink, white, violet and purple. Some varieties have blooms edged in white, or have a contrasting spotted throat color.
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How to Care for the Plant
Keep soil evenly moist. Provide good drainage or the roots may rot. Avoid getting the velvety leaves of this plant wet. Water will cause brown spots on the leaves and they won't come off. If the leaves need to be cleaned, brush them gently with a soft, dry brush, such as a small paintbrush. Remember to always use room-temperature water when watering your indoor plants.
Feed every 2 weeks while the plant is growing and blooming with a high-phosphorus water-soluble fertilizer. Don't use a balanced fertilizer, because too much nitrogen can cause the leaves to become twisted or curled.
The plant prefers bright light but no direct sun.
African violet potting mix has a light peaty mix with added perlite that is ideal for this flowering houseplant.
Average room temperatures 65-75°F/18-24°C will be sufficient for the plant.
Use a container with enough drainage holes. Set plant on a tray of wet pebbles to increase humidity.
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