These insects are also known by their scientific name Thysanoptera, and there are about 5 000 species of them. These tiny insects prefer hot climates, so mostly they can be found in hotter regions of the world. They can transmit various plant viruses, and due to their tiny size (their maximum size is about an inch), they can enter even the least noticeable areas of the plant and damage it. Despite their destructive nature, a few species of these insects prey on mites or scale insects. Thrips are primarily active in bigger groups and tend to choose the garden vegetables or flowers (especially roses and gladioli) as their hosts. What’s interesting about these insects is that they have their favorite colors. And they are mostly white and yellow, which means no good for the light-colored flowers.

Signs of damage
- The plant becomes paler. If you notice that the plant is discolored and silverish, it is probably because of Thrips.
- Deformation of plant’s growth. This deformation also affects the new growths, making them weaker and wobbly.
- Tiny spots remind the rice in the plant. The naked eye barely notices them, but they can indicate Thrips activity.
- Tiny black specks. Another result of the insect’s activity, these black specks are waste left by them.
How to prevent
Prevention itself is complicated. However, you can minimize the appearance of these insects by cleaning up the plant litter. And when winter arrives, remove all dead plant parts to reduce the possibility of Thrips’ eggs overwintering.
When you realize that your plant is affected by Thrips, you need to remove them by shower faucet or hose. But do it carefully without overwatering the soil. Neem oil is a must since it is a natural pesticide capable of eliminating most pests. Mix 1 spoon of dish wash with 1 gallon of water and add 2 tablespoons of clarified hydrophobic neem oil (we recommend 1% percent for most infestations or 2% percent for really heavy cases). Spray the whole plant with a solution. The best part of neem oil is that it is not toxic to birds and animals! If the damage is severe and neem oil doesn't help, consider using insecticidal soap.
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