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Puccinia is a genus of fungi that is harmful to plants. For example, Puccinia triticina causes leaf rust, a prevalent disease of wheat. One of the worst parts of this infection is that it can cause a loss of 20% of the harvest. It happens because in warm climates, pathogen overwinters easily, and also rotten leaves worsen the situation because they fertilize the fungus. As long as the infected leaf is alive, the fungus can spread further because wind can transfer infectious urediniospores, so even plants hundreds of kilometers away can be affected. Puccinia graminis, also known as black stem rust, affects cereals. It is the primary host for wheat and the barberry plant.

Signs of damage

  1. Uredinia. A structure of reddish or black spores and hyphae form pustules on the plant. Mostly it can be spotted on the leaf sheaths, but you can also find them on leaves or stems. 
  2. Black telia. This spore-bearing fungal tissue attached to the affected plant’s tissue forms during the reproductive period. Telium is of yellow or orange colors; however, it dries to black with time. 
  3. Big yellow or reddish spots can be found under the leaves. This symptom is a result of Puccinia poarum’s activity. Such spots, in most cases, have margins of purple color and rarely a hole in the center. 
  4. Poor quality of growth. The good news about Puccinia graminis is that even when the plant is heavily infected, it doesn’t cause some dramatic damage; this pathogen is capable of a balanced parasite-host relationship.

How to prevent

The easiest and cheapest way to avoid this disease is to choose varieties that are genetically resistant to this disease. It is also the most eco-friendly way because, in this case, other preventive methods are not needed. But it is hard to rely solely on this method because virulences can transform into new pathogens. Fungicides are always an excellent solution, so use them when needed.


Leaves affected by fungi need to be removed and then destroyed so that this disease won’t have a chance to spread further. As we have recommended already, fungicides will be very helpful.

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