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Mosaic virus (general)

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A mosaic virus is a group of viral plant diseases parasitizing many agricultural crops. The spectrum of plants susceptible to the disease includes cucumbers, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, wheat, elm, maple, apple, tulips, lilies, and others. All currently existing mosaic diseases are caused by various pathogens that have similar symptoms, such as mosaic-like coloration of plant organs, reduced productivity of photosynthesis, and stunted growth. The pathogens are transmitted in the sap of diseased plants. Some types of insects can be carriers. Mosaic viruses are transmitted with seeds and pollen and can remain in the soil and plant debris.

Signs of damage

  1. The variegated coloration (from green to yellow) of different shapes and sizes of the affected leaves, stems, and fruits that resembles a mosaic;
  2. The mosaic can be arranged randomly or form a certain pattern; it can be ordinary, veined, interveinal, striped, yellow, annular, or marbled;
  3. The shape of the leaf blade changes;
  4. The plant’s growth slows down notably;
  5. Deformation of flowers and fruits;
  6. Sometimes the disease is subtle, and gardeners mistake it for lack of nutrients or exposure to chemicals.

How to prevent

One of the most effective methods of protecting cultivated plants is to select resistant varieties for planting. Other measures include fighting weeds, mandatory destruction of plant residues, and accuracy in caring. It is especially important to sterilize the tools and protect plants from damage caused by strong wind and rain because even minor injuries, like cutting or grafting, can infect them. Also, use traps for insect pests to protect your plants better. Prevention combined with regular plant fertilization, as well as treatment with biological insecticides, will bring good results.


The best approach for protecting your plants is combining preventive measures with biological treatment. Unfortunately, now there is no effective treatment to combat the mosaic virus. If you notice the first appearance of the symptoms of this disease on the plant parts, then, most likely, it will lead to their death. Still, you can possibly prevent the further spread of the disease.

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