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Gray Mold on Plants (Botrytis Blight)

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Gray Mold, or Botrytis Blight, is one of the most persistent and common fungal diseases. It is caused by Botrytis cinerea fungi. A distinctive symptom of gray mold is brown soft spots covered with a dusty mold.The disease itself is incredibly dangerous.

It attacks various types of plants, such as decorative, vegetable, or fruit ones. Mostly, the disease spreads through the remains of dead plants. But such factors as high humidity and warm temperature, as on rainy summer days, can be enough for the gray mold to appear.

Signs of damage

  • The formation of gray plaque on leaves, fruits, and stems;
  1. Suppression of the growth of young plants, which makes further growth impossible; 
  2. Mold mainly appears on the fruits of adult plants, shrubs, and trees, covering them with spots that rot over time;
  3. The gray coating indicates mycelium.

How to prevent

Constantly remove dead parts of plants, which are dangerous factors of fungal diseases. Carry out proper watering of plants at home without wetting the leaves, flowers, and fruits. Avoid excessive moisture, especially in warm weather and heat.


There are many ways to deal with gray mold. Mold on flowers is usually easier to remove than garden fungus. In the case of many popular crops, gardeners remove affected parts of the plants to prevent the spread of spores. After that, treat your garden with copper-containing fungicide. We recommend using a Bordeaux mixture in this case.

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